A few examples on how to get started with TWAINScanning.NET. We will try to cover the most common use cases of the library


Minimal example using scanners UI

This will launch the scanners user interface where you can select the desired settings. All scanned pages will be saved to separate JPEGs.

scanner icon
using (var dsm = new DataSourceManager(this))	// opens TWAIN
	using (var ds = dsm.OpenSource())	// opens default source
		var collector = ds.Acquire(true);	// acquires images 
		collector.SaveAllToJpegs(@"C:\SomeFolder\Some\name.jpeg");	// saves images to disk 
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Without showing the scanners interface scan 20 pages from ADF and save it to a PDF

Here we will scan using predefined settings. In this case, we will open the default scanning device, use an A4 page size, set the resolution to 300 DPI and then scan 20 pages from the ADF in black and white. The scanned pages will be then saved to a single PDF document.

using (var dsm = new DataSourceManager(this))	// opens TWAIN
	using (var ds = dsm.OpenSource())	// opens default source
		ds.PageSize.Value = TwSS.A4;	// sets page size to A4
		ds.Resolution.Value = 300f;	// sets 300 DPI
		ds.ColorMode.Value = TwPixelType.BW;	// sets Black and white format
		ds.UseFeeder.Value = true;	// scanner will ty to use document feeder if possible
		ds.UseDuplex.Value = true;	// scanner will ty to use duplex if possible
		var collector = ds.Acquire(false, true, TwSX.Native, 20);	// acquires images 
		collector.SaveAllToMultipagePdf(@"C:\SomeFolder\Some\name.pdf");	// saves images to disk 

Iterate over installed scanners on the system and get their information

This code example lists all the installed scanning devices on the host. It will list out the scanners name and allow you to select the default device for future scans.

menu icon
using (var dsm = new DataSourceManager(this))// opens TWAIN
	// listing and write scanner names
	List<TwIdentity> scannerIds = dsm.AvailableSources();
	foreach (TwIdentity id in scannerIds)
	string defaultScannerName = dsm.DefaultSource().ProductName;	// getting default source name
	dsm.SelectDefaultSourceDlg();	// Setting the default scanner by default twain dialog
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Get basic details about a scanner

In this sample, we will open the default scanning device and list out the basic settings of the device like available page sizes, resolutions, color modes, etc.

using (var dsm = new DataSourceManager(this))	// opens TWAIN
	using (var ds = dsm.OpenSource())	// opens default source
		TwSS[] pageSizes = ds.PageSize.AvailableValues;
		float[] resolutions = ds.Resolution.AvailableValues;
		TwPixelType[] colorModes = ds.ColorMode.AvailableValues;
		bool[] adfEnabledStates = ds.UseFeeder.AvailableValues;
		bool[] duplexEnabledStates = ds.UseDuplex.AvailableValues;

Look at more advanced settings of a scanning device

Here we illustrate on how to retrieve more advanced information about a scanner. More advanced settings will be stored in the Datasource.Settings object.

settings icon
using (var dsm = new DataSourceManager(this))	// opens TWAIN
	using (var ds = dsm.OpenSource())	// opens default source
		Console.Write("Battery percentage: ");
		var capBattPerc = ds.Settings.PowerMonitoring.BatteryPercentage;
		if (capBattPerc.IsSupportedOnThisDevice())	// scanner can provide information about battery percentage
			TwBM2 perc = capBattPerc.Value;
			if (perc == TwBM2.Infinite)
				Console.WriteLine("INFINITE POWER!");
			else if (perc == TwBM2.CannotReport)
				Console.WriteLine("Don't know.");
				Console.WriteLine("Battery at " + (short)perc + "%");
			Console.WriteLine("Don't have battery!");
		Console.Write("Orientation: ");
		var capOrientation = ds.Settings.ImageAcquire.Orientation;
		if (capOrientation.IsSupportedOnThisDevice())	// scanner can provide information about battery percentage
			TwOR orientation = capOrientation.Value;
			Console.Write(" Current orientation is " + orientation);
			Console.Write(" All possible orientations are:");
			foreach(TwOR orient in capOrientation.SupportedValues)
				Console.Write(" " + orient);
			Console.WriteLine("Scanner doesn't support orientation");
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Scan asynchronously

In case you would like to scan asynchronously use the sample below. Scanning this way allows you to perform the scanning job in the background and allows your users to continue working in the app.

public partial class ScanningForm : Form
	DataSourceManager dsm = null;
	DataSource ds = null;
	public ScanningForm()
		dsm = new DataSourceManager(this);
	private void buttonScann_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
		dsm.SelectDefaultSourceDlg();	// sets default scanner
		ds = dsm.OpenSource();	// opens default scanner
		ds.AcquireAsync(onFinishedScanning, true, true, TwSX.Memory, -1);
	private void onFinishedScanning(TwImgCollector collector)
		collector.SaveAllToMultipageTiff(@"C:\someFolder\someFile.tiff");	// saving images
		collector.Dispose();	// disposing collector
		ds.Dispose();	// disposing scanner
		ds = null;

Support for both x64 and AnyCPU

Because most of scanners drivers are 32-bit the standard usage of our library recommends that you use it in 32-bit application and following examples show how to use it in a standard way. If you need to build application as x64 or AnyCPU then you can still use our library with our Bridgex86 Mode.

To see x64 or AnyCPU examples and find out more about it, please visit this link.

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